App Scanner: Every app installed is automatically examined for viruses and malware
On-demand Scanner: A single click allows you to scan files and archives and then remove any contaminated apps or files detected
Browse Safely: Infectious websites are blocked - so there is no way you can be duped by “phishing” or other fraudsters
Hourly Updates: Mobile devices at risk from the most recent malware? No way – frequent updates ensure that your protection is always up-to-date
Quick Support Access: If there is a problem, the Avira experts are there for you
Antitheft Security: No one should have access to your passwords, contacts, photos, emails, chats and contents. With a remote click you can fend off any thief by remote locking
Location Tracking: The position of your device is shown on a map
Remote Scream: This will allow you to find your smartphone if you have mislaid it
Blacklist: Calls and SMS messages from unwanted numbers? No problem – that is what a blacklist is for
Online Device Management: You can view the security status of up to 5 devices, monitor their battery life and make additional settings